The only way to determine how efficient a portfolio is performing is by comparing the performance and ranking of each individual fund within a portfolio. Your analysis will compare each fund in your portfolio against all other same sector funds, and give each fund a ranking based on performance.
A portfolio analysis with Yodelar will identify:
* What proportion of your portfolio is invested in top or poor performing funds
* How a fund ranks within its sector for performance over 1, 3 & 5 years.
* Yodelar performance rating for each fund you are invested in (1 and 5 stars).
* What proportion of your portfolio is invested in 1 to 5 star rated funds.
* Portfolio growth comparison with a similar risk portfolio of top-performing funds.
* Receive an overall Portfolio Grade (between A and F).
* if your portfolio is operating efficiently or if improvements are needed
Our portfolio analysis service provides a clear insight into how each of your individual funds is performing while grading your entire portfolio based on its overall performance - making it easy to identify areas to improve. It is a unique service that provides investors with a panoramic view of their portfolio that helps to encourage more informed investment decisions, making it an essential resource for efficient investors.